Are you a new blogger or you have a new WordPress blog? And waiting for real traffic from Search Engine? Then you must optimize the search engines by SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The proper SEO work helps to increase traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., and SEO allows your blog to get a higher rank in Alexa. And also you can get a Page rank via SEO. There are two types of SEO’s are available on the internet, first one is On-page SEO, and the second one is Off-page SEO.  In this post, we are going to discuss how to optimize search engines.

Top 7 Simple WordPress SEO Tips for Bloggers

Simple WordPress SEO tips for Bloggers

SEO Title and Description

Give a proper title and description for every blog post. The title must be keyword-focused and it must be less than 60 characters. And the description helps to describe your post in just 160 characters (maximum).

SEO Keyword

The keyword is the major tool in SEO, choosing proper keywords helps to optimize your blog posts in the search results. There are a lot of keyword tools are available on the internet for WordPress blogs so use a tool for your SEO section. Don’t use a short and long keyword for your blog posts, because it affects your site's development in search results.

Use SEO Themes

Themes are one of the interesting things in the WordPress blog. If a blog’s theme attracts readers, then it will drive a lot of traffic and also helps to increase page views. But don’t use magazine-type themes for your blogs, because it affects your blog’s loading time, and also it is bad for SEO. So use simple SEO themes for your WordPress blogs.

Choose Right Plugins

Plugins are useful tools for the WordPress blog because there are thousands of free WordPress plugins are available on the internet in different categories. But always use popular or most used plugins. For example, if you want to get an SEO plugin then choose “All in one SEO pack” or “WordPress SEO by Yoast”.

Create XML Sitemap

The sitemap is a page that has a total blog post’s links on a single page. In WordPress, the XML format sitemap helps to attract search engine spiders to crawl your blog.  So XML Sitemap is a very essential one.

Build Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most powerful factors in SEO. Backlinks mean building links between your blog with other quality blogs (which have a high page rank). There are many methods for building a link between blogs. For example, if you write a comment in another blog’s post, you get a backlink from the blog.  And also high page rank web directories are very helpful for backlinks.

Use Google Analytics & Webmaster

Use the features of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster. Google analytics helps to monitor your blog’s traffic and give accurate results. A webmaster helps to list your blog in the google search and detects the errors.