High blood pressure is a common, yet serious health problem with deadly consequences such as heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke among other problems. While it is difficult to detect high blood pressure in the first place, upon detection, one may have to resort to medication to bring down their blood pressure.

It has been found that lifestyle plays a pivotal role in treating high blood pressure. Thus ensuring diet changes, one can ensure that blood pressure is successfully controlled, either by avoiding, delaying, or reducing the need for Medication.

It is extremely important to maintain a healthy diet to control blood pressure. A healthy diet would comprise whole grains, fruits, and vegetables without indulging in food that contains saturated fat or cholesterol. Even low-fat dairy products would fall within the purview of a healthy diet.

Foods That Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

Sodium, or common salt, is often referred to as blood pressure ‘bogeyman’, and thus needs to be majorly eliminated from ones’ diet. However, recent studies have also shown that it is important to make a conscious choice to choose food that is not merely low in sodium but is also high in a couple of other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. To understand better, a teaspoon of salt has 2300 mg of sodium. This needs to be wholly avoided. Black salt can be used instead.

Even alcohol consumption must be reduced to control blood pressure. In small amounts, while alcohol is good for ones’ health, by reducing blood pressure by 2 to 4mm Hg, any more than the moderate quantity can raise blood pressure by several points. Hence, it is important to keep a check on alcohol intake.

Some of the foods that can help control blood pressure would primarily include

Leafy Green Vegetables - Food with a high ratio of potassium to sodium is extremely good for bringing blood pressure under control. This includes Lettuce, Arugula, and Turnip, etc.

Potatoes - Is highly rich in potassium and magnesium that help lower blood pressure.

Beetroot - Brings about a significant difference in blood pressure. It can be eaten as a part of a salad or had as juice.

Low-fat Dairy Products - Is rich in calcium and low in fat, which is an important element to reduce blood pressure.

Bananas - Have high quantities of potassium, thus making them an important part of the diet.

White Beans - Since it provides for 13 % of calcium, 24 % of potassium, and 30 % of magnesium in one cup, in a day.

Broccoli is also extremely healthy providing for 6 % of the calcium, 8% of the magnesium, and 14% of the potassium requirements of the day in merely one cup.

These foods are identified as important items to be included in the diet to Keep Blood Pressure under control. However, important is to eat food that has high mineral content and low sodium content while also following it with regular exercise.

Opt for a healthy diet to stay healthy!