Being a blogger, perhaps the main aim for your blog before making gains from it, would be traffic generation. No traffic, no money. And this is the real notion which is true not just to all blogs but to any site on the web as well. However, for the moment, I would be speaking of SEO (search engine optimization) for blogs. So here the question goes:

Do You SEO your Blog?

We all know that SEO is the must-have investment which each and every page on the internet must be aware of. Without implying this on a website, it would be like just a piece of trash floating out in the open, making it a dead site- and a blog’s no excuse.

Promoting your blog with the means of SEO is the most sophisticated and well-known marketing practice through the years. Site owners and bloggers alike take the simple yet time-consuming process just for the sake of gaining more exposure for their site in the top searches of major search engines. And what makes SEO the best thing for promotion is that.

You can do it yourself for free!

I’ve read some blogs out there in the open which speaks of SEO for your blog, and since they already have that great surge of traffic flowing right through their blog, they would immediately conclude that doing SEO for your blog isn’t that much needed nonetheless. But for a starter blog, or let’s say “for a great or greater reputation”, SEO really is a must. Why? Allow me to tell you some things about the matter.

SEO can be done yourself

What?! Can SEO really be done by yourself?!! Well, of course yes.. definitely! You may not believe what I said but it is totally true! You can do basic back linking processes such as bookmarking, forum profiling, commenting on blogs and submissions.  However, experts are still experts and it’s hard to keep up with their levels. What I’ trying to say is that you only get to know the basic procedures, but experts know a lot yet you could keep up with them if you really wanted to.

SEO is totally free

Unless you hire a SEO technologist or a company to do the job for you. However there are some submission sites which requires a payment for your site to get listed, mostly press release sites and some web directories but a free choice is always there for you. No dime needed, no cost.

However you could always choose a paid option if you’re too lazy to do the job. And this one applies only for those who’ve got their bucks. And if you don’t have one, then better do-it-yourself.