The results of the survey the most authoritative experts in the field of fitness. This top includes only the most tested and proven time information about a healthy lifestyle: how to quickly lose weight, recover from illnesses, and obtain the good physical shape.

Health and Fitness

You probably have already heard a thousand different tips on how to quickly lose weight, recover from illnesses, and obtain the good physical shape. Dozens of trainers promoting the latest techniques and technology of a healthy lifestyle, some of which directly contradict each other. How not to get lost in this sea of information?

Health and Fitness Tips of All the Time

01. Replace Quiet Cardio Interval Training

The road to a slim and strong body a little like a long monotonous walk. The best effect is given a high-intensity flash, interspersed with the slow load to restore calm. For 15 or 20 minutes of interval training, you can burn as many calories as an hour's workout routine. And, unlike conventional training, interval training gives effect even after the end of classes.

02. Pay Attention to the Internal Muscles on Each Lesson

Many focus on only selected muscle groups, losing sight of everything else. However, the human body does not consist of cubes on his stomach, as if they did not look nice. A huge number of internal muscles are hidden from our view, but they are necessary to protect the internal organs and spine from injury, keep the body upright, and so on. Therefore, pay attention to not only the specialized acting on an isolated group of muscles but also a complex exercise, giving the load on the entire body. Especially good for this use isometric exercises.

03. Replace the Exercise with Free Weights Exercise Equipment

Simulators are arranged in such a way that you have to move a given weight on a certain trajectory. However, if you are too low or too high, your hands or feet are not so long as that of the average of the majority, these exercises are not organically fit your physiology that can lead to a lack of progress or even injury.

Replacing simulators exercises with dumbbells or a barbell can be more suitable it is for your body and helps you to load even those muscle groups that are inactive in the gym. And sometimes you can help out, even a simple towel.

04. Do not Slouch!

Expand and lower blades, as if you put his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. This will not only help you to improve the results but also to protect against injury. This position allows more accurate to perform pull-ups, make full use of the pectoral muscles with push-ups, supports the correct position of the body at the squat. Do not forget about the special exercises for the spine.

05. Increase Range of Motion

Add more load on each repetition, and increase the efficiency of the whole exercise helps to lengthen the trajectory of movements made by each repetition exercises. Sit down a little deeper at the stop push-ups in just a centimeter away from the floor, pull up not up to the chin, and up to his chest. Get more out of each movement and your body will thank you.

06. Do each Exercise as Quickly as Possible

Slow exercises are better to use only as an additional burden. The main part of the lesson, you should seek to maximize the rapid execution of each exercise, whether it is pull-ups, push-ups, jumping, or training with weights. Even if you do not succeed at first to do it really fast, it is the effort that will teach the muscle fibers to contract more quickly, making your body more athletic.

07. Use more Complex Exercises

There are a number of special exercises aimed at the development of individual muscles. However, if you are not a bodybuilder, able to spend long hours in the gym, it is more preferable to use exercises that load multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

For example, squats help to work out not only the feet but also the back, pull rod in the slope will load the biceps and back, and bench press develops the triceps and chest.

08. Change the Capture

Very many exercises enough to change a little grip, so it opens completely on the other side. For example, when pull-ups, push-ups, many of the exercises with a barbell you can place your hands more broadly or narrowly. This small change allows to work out the previously unused muscle fibers, and in addition to varying the workout.

09. Try to Load only one Side

Since our body is always striving for balance, the use of asymmetric loads causes the body to work those muscles, which is the usual way to not get to. Try to do the exercises with just one dumbbell in the gym or engage using only one side of the body. A bit unusual advice, but sometimes it works.

10. Do Push-Ups

Push-ups are one of the greatest exercises. Their correct performance can be described with just one phrase: keep a rigid straight line from head to heels in almost every phase of the exercise. With this in mind, you do not have to round your back, bend at the waist or hips bulge. The main value of this exercise is that it uses almost all muscles of the body. Different variants of push-ups will help you load and good to work a variety of muscle groups.