If you’re going to sum up all the tips I’ve given you before, it can basically be reduced to reverse engineering.

The reality is that it’s very hard to figure out what kind of keywords, what kind of link strategy, and what kind of keyword setup search engines would reward in your niche.

The good news is that other people have tried ahead of you. Other people have succeeded and failed. Other people have experimented. Other people have gone ahead. This is great news.

Most of the time, people get sad when they see themselves starting late. Most people get discouraged when they see that they are starting later. This is actually your biggest strength.

When people start ahead of you, they’re basically taking shots in the dark. They are figuring things out on their own.

This is great news. Why?

They are learning lessons and oftentimes, hard lessons that you don’t have to. In other words, they’re taking the hits so you don’t have to. Isn’t that great news or what?

I can’t emphasize that fact enough. So just because you are starting out late in the SEO game doesn’t necessarily mean that you should feel bad. Sure, a lot of the heavy-duty keywords out there that get a lot of traffic and are highly targeted. Chances are you probably have to work a little bit harder and be a little bit smarter to get those keywords and dominate them.

Still, there are a lot to gain by starting later. At the very least, you can learn from the problems and the unsolved issues of the people that have gone ahead of you. Keep this in mind.

So I’m not going to rehash old SEO Tips.

Basic SEO Blog Tips

Instead, I’m going to focus on the content. I’m going to focus on the stuff that you can write so you can attract more search engine traffic.

If you’ve been reading my blog, you already know that simply writing content is not going to do much. Simply putting stuff out there is not going to put money in your pocket. I hope that’s clear.
I want to disabuse you of the very hard to kill myth that if you build it, people will come.

This is very hard to build because it really draws its strength from the central fact about humanity. Humans are lazy and there’s nothing more comforting than this myth that you only need to blog, post stuff that you want to say, then all of a sudden magically, mystically, or metaphysically people will show up out of nowhere.

This might sound stupid. This might sound ridiculous but guess what? So many bloggers, so many otherwise intelligent online publishers believe this. They may not say it with their lips, but their actions betray their real beliefs.

This is complete garbage. It’s not true. Simply blogging is not going to trigger an avalanche of traffics. It doesn’t work that way.

You have to do the other part of the equation. You have to build links. You have to reach out to people. You have to spread the word. You have to do social media marketing. The list is endless. But all that list into one word: promotion. That’s the bottom line.

If you want to make money online, you have to publish and what’s that other word? Promote. That’s right.

Repeat after me. Publish and promote.

For this blog post, I’m going to cover the publish part. I hope that’s clear. I hope I’m not misunderstood. It’s very easy to think or rig this sharing stuff about publishing so that’s all I need to do. Absolutely wrong.

You have to nail both sides of the equation. You have to nail both ends. Otherwise, you’re just going to enjoy the same level of success that everybody else is enjoying that uses this strategy.
What level of success if that? None.

Put Keywords In Your Blog Post Titles

This Is Very Basic SEO

When you look at search results on Google, you’ll notice a distinct pattern. The search query that you use often appears on the titles of the items that appear on the results. This is not an accident. There’s no magic to it.

When you put your keyword in your title, you increase the likelihood of your blog post appearing in search results.

Does this mean that this is all you need to do? Absolutely not. You need to keep reading below.
But this is absolutely required. I don’t care how bulky the keyword word is. I don’t care how the rough the keyword is. You have to figure out a way to grammatically make sense of that keyword so that it appears on your blog post title. This is non-negotiable.

Emotionally Engaging Titles

You have to remember that even if search engines send you a lot of traffic, somebody someway somehow somewhere on this planet must whip out their credit cards. That’s the way it is.

People have to take action on what you are writing about. People have to be engaged by your content so that you can get them to do what you wanted them to do.

What is it that you want them to do? Separate themselves from your money. In other words, get them to give you money. That’s the bottom line.

Whether it’s buying a product or a service or clicking on an ad, it doesn’t matter.
The bottom line is your visitors must give you money.

You can’t do that if you do not write your blog post titles for human beings.

My first advice is to appeal to search engine robots. That is pretty straightforward. In fact, it’s almost mechanical.

The problem is the actual people that will be paying you are flesh and blood human beings. Do you see the problem here? Do you see what you need to do?

You need to engage people emotionally. Why? Human beings are emotional. That’s right.
We are defined by our emotions. Software doesn’t have emotions. Computers don’t have emotions. Machines don’t have emotions, at least not yet.

Human beings are driven by emotions. This is why you have to keep rewriting your keyword driven title until there’s not enough emotional punch there for people to want to click and then read your blog post.

Keywords In Your Subheadings

Your keywords are basically the special sauce that gets search engine traffic.

However, simply putting your keyword in your title is not going to cut it. You have to massage your keywords in specific and strategic areas of your blog post.

You need to put at least one or a few of your keywords in your subheadings.

You have to remember that for blog posts to be read, they have to be not intimidating. The best way to do this is break up a long block text into subheadings and into short, easy to chew paragraphs.

This is where you put in some of your keywords: the subheadings. Why? Subheadings call people to action. Subheadings are very active. So this is a natural place to put keywords. Of course, don’t put keywords in there if they don’t fit.

Put Related Keywords In Your Body Text

Notice the word “related.” I’m not saying using target your keywords. I’m saying related keywords.
Search engines now are very intelligent. A lot of people would like to believe that search engines are like blind 5-year-old  kids. Absolutely wrong.

Considering how fast Google is evolving, I’d be surprised if Google finally comes up with a software that writes itself. That’s how fast Google is moving.

This is why it’s really important to not just use your directly targeted keywords but find related keywords and use that in your body text.

Why do you need to go all through these efforts? Why is this worth your bother?

Very simple. Google is looking for context. If you’re just targeting keywords, it’s very easy to knock you off. It’s very easy to write off your blog post as a spam. Google is looking for context.

If you put related keywords there, an image appears. A logical pairing appears. The logical conclusion is that since these keywords are related to each other, there must be a certain context. It must be talking about a specific topic. That’s where you want to go.

Avoid Bad Keyword Stuffing

Notice the title of this subheading?

I didn’t say avoid keyword stuffing. All I said was avoid “bad” keyword stuffing. Logically speaking, there is such a thing as good keyword stuffing.

Let me break this down to you. Keyword stuffing is never going to go away. As long as keywords play some sort of role on website content, it’s never going to go away.

Your job is to avoid being obvious. Your job is to avoid bad keyword stuffing.

What is bad keyword stuffing? Mentioning a keyword even though it’s very hard to read in a sentence.

Another common problem is ignoring common grammar rules just to mention a keyword. If there is any part of your text where you feel yourself slipping or basically feeling awkward, that is a spot that has bad keyword stuffing.

You need to massage in your keywords in a very smooth way. Avoid bad keyword or awkward keyword stuffing.

Good Keyword Stuffing Basics

These are some basics that you need to know to do keyword stuffing right.
First all, the keywords must be relevant to your niche. Second, they must all be relevant in terms of topic.

This all flows into this fancy technology with a fancy term. The fancy term is latent semantic indexing or LSI.

LSI is really all about context. As long as they’re related, then you can basically use those keywords. If they’re not, then don’t use the unrelated keywords. It’s all about your keywords flowing from these LSI keywords so that the whole blog post as a whole makes sense.

Not only do you have to engage software robots, but you also have to engage flesh and blood human beings. Flesh and blood human beings are always looking for relationships between content. Flesh and blood human beings are always looking for context. That’s the bottom line.

There has to be that internal logical flow. If this flow doesn’t exist in your text, then you’re doing keyword stuffing wrong.